How to Write Instagram Captions That Get You More Likes, Comments & Sales!

3 Tips to Write Instagram Captions Like a Pro

1.Know your target audience inside and out

To write killer captions you need to know who you are talking to. The best way to know your audience and ensure you are speaking to them in your captions is to create a buyer persona for your ideal client or customer and refer to it regularly. Ask yourself questions, such as:

  • Who is your ideal follower?

  • What goals do they have?

  • How old are they?

  • What do they do in their free time?

  • What problems do they need help with?

  • What do they want from your page when they visit? 

Use IG stories or the messages feature to find out more about your audience and help you create a more accurate buyer persona. 

2. Focus on the first 150 characters

When you scroll on your Instagram feed, you may have noticed that you likely only see the first 150 characters of someone's caption before you need to hit the ‘...more’ button to read the full caption. Therefore, these first few words in your caption are the more important. If you lose your audience here, there is no hope of them clicking to read more or engage with your post.  

How to use the first 125-150 characters to your advantage:

  • Make a bold statement. 

  • Ask a question, so they open the caption to see the answer. 

  • Don’t be afraid to say something controversial. 

  • Promote engagement (e.g., double tap if you agree with the statement)

3. Write decent captions

This last tip may seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people just publish a caption with little thought and then sit back and wonder why their captions are helping their engagement. Unfortunately, you can’t just throw up any old caption and hope for the best. 

Good copywriting speaks directly to the reader, solves their problems, and is clear and concise.

If you aren’t confident in your writing ability, you have two options:

  1. Practice until you are confident and use free tools, such as YouTube, to learn copywriting. 

  2. Outsource to a professional copywriter. 


After you follow these tips for writing killer Instagram captions, the best thing you can do is experiment. See how your audience reacts to a new caption style and replicate the formats that bring in likes, and comments and boost your sales. The only way to know for sure how your audience will respond is to try it out on your page and monitor the results. Good luck! 


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