Should You Follow Back On Instagram?

Just because someone follows you, do you need to follow them back?

Using Instagram as a business is a whole new ball game to using Instagram as a consumer. It’s as different as cake and cheese, both great but very different. Therefore, it’s understandable that you may have some questions about using Instagram to build a brand presence on social media.

The first thing to remember is that you’re never obligated to follow anyone back. As a business owner or content creator, know that it’s important to protect the energy of your own account by being selective of what content you allow to show up via your feed on a daily basis.

There is a lot of confusing advice on the internet about using Instagram to grow your audience and increase sales. That’s why NOAH is here to set the record straight and make it easy for you to know the ‘rules’ to follow when it comes to who to follow.

Who Should You Follow Back On Instagram?

  • Follow Your Ideal Customers

You probably had a clear buyer persona in mind when you started your business. Therefore, if a person follows you and you think, ‘hey, this is my ideal customer!’ you may wish to send a cheeky follow back.


Not only does this help your perfect customer feel more connected to you as a brand, as they feel you care about them, but it can also help you be in touch with your ideal followers, especially if you don’t fit the mold of this persona yourself.

  • Follow People Who May Benefit From Your Business

At the end of the day, your Instagram page is there to serve a purpose, such as to create sales leads or engage with your community. Therefore, you may wish to follow back people you genuinely believe could benefit from the products or services you sell. This makes it easier for them to hop into your DMs, and you can start a dialog with them about your offerings and help them make informed purchasing decisions.

  • Follow Accounts Who Frequently Engage In Your Content

Of course, there is no rush to decide if or when to follow back another Instagram account. Therefore, you may choose only to follow back accounts that seem to genuinely care about the content you post and regularly show up to be one of your biggest cheerleaders.

  • Follow Your Competition

You may wish to follow some of your competitors' accounts to see what their up to. Then you can study what is working on their account to improve your own Instagram page.

Last Nugget of Advice For Deciding Who To Follow On Instagram

You do not own it to anyone to follow them back, and you are allowed to unfollow someone if their content no longer serves you! If your company account is new or you’re unfamiliar with the etiquette about following back on Instagram, it can be easy to fall into the trap of following back so that you don’t hurt anyone's feelings. Unfortunately, this trap can often lead you to follow accounts that aren’t relevant to your brand.


Bookmark this blog post so next time you are undecided about whether you should follow back on Instagram, follow the tips above to help you make an informed decision!

Is it me, or is the word follow starting to look strange now? Haha. If you are still downright confused about how to grow on Instagram without using ‘follow for follow’ methods of growth, you may benefit from joining our affordable virtual coaching program. In these group coaching calls, you’ll get expert advice on developing a killer social media strategy and get a chance to try out our tried and tested growth methods on growing your account to get your product or service in front of your ideal customer.


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